Sunday, September 19, 2010

Media Artifact

The media artifact that I have chosen to write about is the cell phone. For our generation is hard to see how cultural important and impressive the cell phone is. If you try living without it for one day It is impossible. If you take a big city like New York, you see everyone on the streets with their phones on their hands. Some people are talking to their friends, others doing business and other with a family member. Cell phones have helped people connect and know where the other people are going. Not too long ago people had to be patience or worried if a friend or family member whet missing. We as human beings have become very dependent of cell phones especially now that we are a global society. We take for granted a long distance call every once in a while for a silly thing when 50 years ago, people were not able to know about their distant family members or friends for weeks.


  1. formoso,

    i couldnt agree more, now a day people depend on cell phones one hundred percent. without one you would be left out of society. people would not have a way of communicating with you and you would be left without doing much in this world. however in the jewish religion, religous people can not use their cel phones on saturdays. this is very hard but doable. we do it in orther to rest from our daily life, and i believe that today people depend on cellphones so much, that this process of resting for a day is very healthy.

    -salo guindi

  2. Cell phones have without a doubt become one of the most visible mediums in our society today. However, I disagree that it would be impossible to live without a cell phone. I believe that our obsession with the cell phone is not out of necessity, but rather of the ceaseless desire to stay connected. Some may say that this represents the need of belonging; yet, there are numerous avenues that offer similar ways to stay connected with others. Thus, there has to be more than the need of belonging that is the driving force behind the fascination with the cell phone.

  3. This essay suffers the symptom of overgenerality. The solution is to incorpate more specifics--e.g. specific examples, quotations, media samples, soundbites, images, stories, connections w/ the concepts and theories we read in class. Any of these rhetorical stratgies will greatly improve the effectivity of this article.

